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Friday, December 14, 2012

Polar Ice Melting

As a lifelong collector and historian of Polar Exploration; I have noticed an item that has popped up today. Much effort was made in the early years of Polar Exploration by many Sailors and adventurers to find a route around the north of Canada and down into the Pacific to China and India.

Finally the Norwegian, Roald Amundsen in the Gjoa took three years to complete the first voyage East to West in 1906 through the ice and Islands of the Northwest Territories in 1928, and the first West East voyage in the little Royal Canadian Mounted Police Vessel St Roch in 1941-1942. (See photo)

This year the ice obstacles have gone due to Global warming according to the BBC. Stunning graphics show the retreat of polar ice in the high arctic over the last two decades. <> mjn from

Winter in Hungary

There's about 20 cm of snow lying outside of the door here in Eastern Hungary where I am staying until Christmas with Ibi and Janos. Both are teaching at their schools this morning as I write but Ibi will be home at lunchtime. I have been Googling, looking up various things on the net. I am pleased that I managed to track down one very old friend in the Scottish borders. Since I've been here swe have been to Buapest to see the Complete Works of Shakespeare which was performed by three British actors - Very funny! We stayed overnight in a comfortable pension. Ibi's daughter Tűnde is still at Uni but will be home before we go to Bristol. She seems to be doing well in her social studies ciourse at Nyreghaza. (Probably spelled wrong!)